2012.08.18   Windows 软件 > 桌面辅助  
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Win7开始按钮:Win8 Metro风 多点开花,Win8的全新徽标

Windows8 Metro Orbs开始菜单按钮,是作者WarrenClyde花费12分钟制作出来的作品。恩,有什么不对?或许不该再用“Metro”来命名设计作品了,启用“Modern UI”这个名词吧,挺摩登的吧。

言规正传,Windows8 Metro for Win7开始菜单按钮,以Win8的全新徽标为素材,制作多种样式供用户选择,来看:



Last Updated : 10th August 2012

Change Log: Added small taskbar variants.

Number of orbs included : 8 ( 4.PNG)(4 .BMP)

Software used : Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended, StartOrbz 2.1a, Paint.

Total time to make : 12 minutes

Amount of orange juice consumed while making : 1 glass


These orbs colors are completely based on the official Windows 8 logo with the official colors in 2 versions for both normal and small taskbars.

Testing working and centered correctly on Windows 7 Utimate 64-Bit Service Pack 1.
(bottom taskbar)

Any questions, suggestions or just want to say thanks. Feel free to drop me a comment. Enjoy.

Microsoft, Windows, Windows Metro and the Windows logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft © 2012

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